Parent Resources
Infinite Campus Resources
Click here to learn more about how to use Infinite Campus.
i-Ready Resources
Click here to learn more about i-Ready and how parents can partner with teachers and students in the learning process.
Forms and Links
- Arrival Times & Start/Ending Times
- Student Registration
- Attendance
- Yearly Documents & Forms
- Homeschool
- Medical Forms
- Additional Educational Resources
- Parent and Family Feedback
- New Panel
Arrival Times & Start/Ending Times
Student Registration
Infinite Campus Parent Portal and Student Portal Resources
Online registration is a tool designed to allow parents and/or guardians to register their student(s). This video is a guide for parents or guardians on how to access the tool, what type of information is entered and what happens to the application once completed.
Click here to watch an informative video regarding Online Registration.
If you are registering an existing student for the following school year, you must use your portal account. Please click the icon above to update your child's information.
If you need assistance, please call (859) 567-1820 or email
The following items are required before a student can enroll:
1. Birth certificate or othe reliable proof of identity. Other reliable proofs include but ar not limited to: |
a. The student's valid Passport or other federal government identification |
b. The student's valid Kentucky Driver's License or Permit (if age 16 or older) |
c. A Custody Decree or Court Order of Dissolution of Marriage of the student's parents identifying the child by name and date of birth |
d. Prior school records (other than GCS) identifying the child by name and date of birth |
2. One of the following, although two proofs may be required if necessary* |
a. Utility bill |
i. The bill must be for a service that is tied to the property. For example, a cell phone bill will not work, but a cable, electric, and water bill will. |
b. Deed/Lease |
i. Authentic home builder contract with approved district transfer, lease, closing statement, or other home dwelling document |
3. Recent preventive health care exam** |
4. Up-to-date Kentucky immunization certificate** |
a. Per 702 KAR 001:160 and Board Policy 09.211 a current Kentucky immunization certificate must be on file within two weeks for each student. |
5. Proof of a dental and eye examination** |
6. Court documents pertaining to the student, if applicable |
* A student that is coming from an out-of-district address must go through the application process from the DPP before being allowed to enroll in Gallatin County Schools. |
** A student may be registered without these documents and enrolled. However, a student will have 30 days to produce these documents or law enforcement will be notified and educational neglect charges will be filed. |
Definitions/Clarifications of Gallatin County Attendance Policy
ABSENT is the missing of more than 120 minutes of the school day. This includes being absent from all scheduled activities such as all classes, field trips, assemblies, etc. TARDY is being absent for 120 minutes or less. This includes arriving late or leaving early (Checking In or Checking Out).
Doctor's Notes: Medical appointments and illnesses that require a doctor visit will be excused and will be condered an additonal excused absence. Documentation must be a physician's certified statement indicating that the student was seen by the doctor and was unable to attend school. Doctor's notes must be received by the school within 2 days of the absence. After 10 doctors' excuses, students may be required to have thier physician complete a Gallatin County Schools Medical Excuse Form (available from each school's attendance leader or the district Director of Pupil Personnel)
Parents Notes: As outlined by KRS 159.150 and Boar Policy 09.123, the school will accept five (5) parent notes each school year to excuse student absences. Parent notes on paper will be the only form accepted from each school (no emailed notes or phone calls).
Excused Events/Absences and Verifiable Documentation:
- Personal illness* without a doctor’s visit (up to five per school year with a parent note)
- Medical/dental/vision appointment (documentation is required from a physician)
- Death in the immediate family **, (funeral notice is required as documentation)
- School activities (documentation will be provided by the school)
- Driver’s Test ( a copy of the student’s newly received Driver’s License will serve as documentation and only a ½ day absence will be allowed one time during a student’s four year school career)
- Permit Test (a copy of the student’s newly received Permit to Drive will serve as documentation and only a ½ day absence will be allowed one time during a student’s four year school career)
- Court appearance (written documentation from the court is required)
- Religious holidays and practices as pre-arranged with the Principal
- Documented military leave (one (1) day prior to departure of parent/guardian called to active military duty; one (1) day upon the return of parent/guardian from active military duty.
- Student attendance at the Kentucky State Fair (one day only, as approved by the Principal)
- Emergencies declared by the principal and pre-approved (the principal will provide the documentation for emergency absences through a written note to the Attendance Leader). When a student or parent needs to request an emergency principal’s note, the parent or student must get pre-approved written permission from the principal PRIOR to the absence. A maximum of two (2) emergency principal’s notes can be given per school year to each student.
Students shall be granted an excused absence for up to ten (10) school days to pursue an educational enhancement opportunity (EHO) determined by the Principal to be of significant educational value. The EHO must be submitted to the principal in writing prior to the event or trip. This type of absence cannot occur during any of the school’s district-wide assessments, unless there are extenuating circumstances that are approved by the Director of Pupil Personnel. If you have students in more than one school, a request must be made to each school principal. Principals have identical guidelines that are to be followed for EHO.
*Students with chronic or recurring personal illnesses or family illnesses are required to have a doctor’s note on file with the school. Students with excessive absences due to illness who also have a request from a physician may be placed on Home Hospital.
**Immediate family is defined by Gallatin County Schools as mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, aunt, uncle, close cousin (first, second, or third), mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and legal guardian
Yearly Documents & Forms
2024-25 School Calendar |
2023-24 Code of Conduct |
Terroristic Threatening Annual Notice |
Enrollment Forms
Out of School District Application
Attendance Forms
Medical Excuse Form |
Home Hospital Application |
Educational Ehancement Opportunity |
No Pass - No Drive |
Affidavit for Birth Certificate |
Non-Custodial Parent/Guardian Form |
Renunciation of Custody or Charge |
Residential Affidavit |
The Kentucky constitution establishes the prerogatives of the parents to choose the formal education for the child. Therefore, parents may choose to homeschool their child. If a parent chooses this option, they take complete responsibility for educating their child. The parent/guardian selects the curriculum and educational materials. There is no state financial assistance for families who choose this option.
KRS 159.040 does require private schools, including home school, to maintain attendance and scholarship reports and that these records are to be open for inspection by directors of pupil personnel and officials of the Department of Education.
Homeschools are registered each year within ten (10) days of the beginning of the school year until the student graduates or returns to a public or private school. This can be done by letter to the Superintendent or by completing the Homeschooling Application form. For more information, contact the DPP at (859)-567-1820.
Please click here to download, fill out the form, and return it to the Director of Pupil Personnel.
Medical Forms
Additional Educational Resources
Since 1983, the Prichard Committee has worked to study priority issues, inform the public and policy makers about best practices and engage citizens, business leaders, families, students, and other stakeholders in a shared mission to move Kentucky to the top tier of all states for education excellence and equity for all children, from their earliest years through postsecondary education. We believe public education is critical to the economic and social well-being of Kentucky, requiring an ambitious agenda that ensures educational success for every Kentuckian. We prioritize efforts to elevate the teaching profession as the key to student learning. We demand excellence through meaningful standards, strong accountability, effective teaching, and adequate and equitable funding from early childhood through postsecondary. We are committed to engaging Kentuckians on education issues – inspiring and equipping them to act to improve education outcomes at the state and local levels.
- Interested in family engagement and what that can look like? -
- Interested in the Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leaders (CIPL)?
- Interested in the Groundswell Initiative to support increased family and community engagement in our schools?
- Learn about the Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships: - Dr. Karen Mapp, PhD Harvard
The mission of the National Family Support Network is to promote positive outcomes for all children, families, and communities by leveraging the collective impact of state networks and championing quality family support and strengthening practices and policies.
Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network is a statewide 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. The mission of KY-SPIN, Inc. is to link families and individuals with disabilities to valuable resources that will enable them to live productive, fulfilling lives.
- ParentCamp – Join weekly call with Julie Pile (Boone County BoE member) and Laura Gilcrest (former teacher) as they host conversations on a variety of local education related topics.