The Gallatin County Transportation Department provides bus service for students residing within the school district. By maintaining high standards of training, vehicle maintenance and professional conduct, we are dedicated to providing our students the safest possible environment as they are in transit to and from school.
Our Transportation Department is responsible for transporting over 1200 students on a daily basis. Gallatin County school buses travel over 1236 miles each day. There are 12 full time bus drivers which includes 12 route drivers. Each driver has completed a comprehensive, 55-hour course in driver safety that is specifically designed for bus drivers.
Gallatin County School Bus Routes
Bus Scheduling and Routing
Responsibility For
The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for scheduling and routing all buses in keeping with applicable statutes and regulations. This shall include a system of notifying parents, pupils, and drivers of bus schedules and routes and, for those schools serving breakfast, arranging bus schedules so that buses arrive in sufficient time to provide breakfast prior to the student attendance day.
Buses shall be routed only on roads public roads which are safe for bus travel.
Regular Route Vehicles
Except in cases of emergencies or for the transportation of students with disabilities, only school buses as defined by applicable statute and administrative regulation shall be used for transporting students to and from school along regular bus routes.
Spur Routes
Buses shall not travel spur routes which are less than five-tenths (.5) mile in length, unless the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee determines that the student’s safety would be endangered by walking to school or to the bus stop.
New Bus Routes
No new bus routes or extensions of existing routes will be established unless they meet safety criteria determined by the Transportation Director and are approved by the Superintendent. Existing routes not meeting these criteria will continue to be served for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Exceptions may be granted by the Superintendent for hardship reasons.
Adopted/Amended: 10/15/2019
Order #: 2019-1709
Please contact our Transportation Department staff if you have any questions. The office phone number is 859-567-5711 or you may email our staff directly.
Shelly Fugate - Transportation Department Secretary |
Kevin Fugate - Mechanic |
Transportation Department Forms
Field Trip Request Links | Athletic Department Bus Request Links |
Gallatin County Schools Field Trip | Gallatin County Sports Trip |